The old and modern literature informs that the acupunture and other forms of stimulation of the acupunturales points have remarkable effects on physicologic variables and fisiopatologias. Clinical and experimental studies suggest that the acpunture exercises its effect through mechanisms neurohormonales. The purpose of this work is to provide a tool...
INTRODUCTION. Anxiety and insomnia represent a high number of medical attentions, most of them are treated with anxiolitic benzodiacepins. However, studies at present support use of the phytodrugs as alternative treatment for those patients. Phytodrugs offers a beneficial effect for the enclosed sintomatology, improving quality of life. The main aim...
En la encuesta nacional realizada por la Secretaria de Salud en el año 2002, se encontró que del total de la población con obesidad, el 25% eran mujeres. La prevalencia de dicha enfermedad se ha incrementado hasta un 40% en los últimos años. En el caso de las mujeres los...
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of the electroacupuncture in patients with Back pain. MATERIAL And METODOS: Comparative, opened, observational, prospective and longitudinal study of a sample of 90 patients who went to the Clinic of Acupuncture of the UAM-Iztapalapa, D.F Mexico, with ages between 18 and 70 years, of one...
Leukemia is the most common cancer in children.It is characterized by infiltration of the bone marrow and other tissues; the presence of infiltrations is of bad prognosis and correlates with increased severity in patients. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most frequent in children under 15 years, constitutes25% of all...
El trastorno de ansiedad generalizada y la obesidad en el adulto han tenido un incremento en su prevalencia en la población mundial y en la mexicana durante la última década, convirtiéndose en un grave problema de salud pública, disminuyendo la calidad de vida de quién la padece, pues están asociadas...
Introduction: The lithiasis is a disease which to develop needs of alterations in the balance physical/chemically and / or urodynamic of the urinary superior and low tract; it has a considerable frequency in the Mexican population between 30 to 40 years of age; the renal colic occupy an important frequency...
Introduction. Acupuncture is one of the commonest treatments in traditional Chinese medicine; its use is based on a complex theoretical system that includes diverse concepts, such as the existence of acupuncture points (acupoints) and channels where the QI (energy in a wide meaning) flows through. It is believed that some...