Vergara Mendoza, Moisés
删除限定条件 Jurado: Vergara Mendoza, Moisés
Leche humana
删除限定条件 关键词: Leche humana
描述: | Methods. Two HIV-1 lymphotropic reference strains with X4 tropism: HIV-1IIIB and HIV-1MN, MT2 human lymphocyte cell line and CS from shark cartilage as a positive inhibition control of HIV infection in vitro were used. Inhibition assays were performed by preincubation of serial dilutions of human milk GAGs and CS (for... |
学科: | SIDA (Enfermedad), Infecciones por VIH, Breast milk, Leche materna, Biología experimental, Biology, Experimental, and HIV infections |
创造者: | Ruiz Segura, Dante Uriel |
贡献者: | Vergara Mendoza, Moisés, Domínguez Salazar, Emilio, Serrano, Héctor Fernando, Miranda Labra, Roxana Uri, Gómez Olivares, José Luis, Ávila Ríos, Santiago, and Viveros Rogel, Mónica |
出版者: | Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana |
Posgrado: | Maestria en Biologia Experimental |
语言: | spa |
Año de publicación: | 2018 |
权: | Acceso Abierto |
执照: | Atribucion-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0) |
Tipo de Recurso: | info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis |
识别码: | https://doi.org/10.24275/uami.zs25x855b |