Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché is a wild crop known in Mexico as "chilacayote" whose fruits are used as food. The fruits show a pericarp of different colors (whitish, creamy, various shades of green, striped or speckled) and seeds of white or black color. Recent studies report that this specie has remarkable...
Las células excitables han sido estudiadas desde un punto de vista eléctrico durante décadas. Actualmente continúan estudiándose intensamente pero ya no sólo por biofísicos y electrofisiólogos; sino también por farmacólogos, neurocientíficos, ingenieros biomédicos, bioquímicos, biólogos moleculares, entre otros. Loa avances más importantes en el estudio de las células excitables ha...
The fruit of Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché is known in Mexico as chilacayote, it has medicinal properties such as anthelmintic, diuretic, taeniafuge, among others, highlighting its hypoglycemic effect, which has generated great scientific interest since its effect is 12.9% better than Opuntia streptacantha Lem., a species used to control glucose levels...
En el proceso de germinación de las semillas, la reactivación del metabolismo inicia desde las primeras horas de imbibición, hay síntesis de proteínas, aumenta la biomasa, inicia el crecimiento por expansión celular necesario para la protrusión de la radícula y en etapas postgerminativas hay proliferación celular y crecimiento de la...
Ex situ seed banks and soil seed banks (in situ) are fundamental for the maintenance and regeneration of plant populations and the study of these is basic to propose conservation strategies and ecological studies. In species of cacti, particularly in Escontria chiotilla and Stenocereus pruinosus there is a lack of...
The production of Phaseolus vulgaris(beans) worldwide is not sufficient to meet the needs of human consumption, this situation is aggravated by global warming and by the attack of different types of insects that affect agricultural production of crops. The use of strains of entomopathogenic fungi (HE) is a viable alternative...