The Huatulco Bays have a great variety of environments and habitats, and there are organisms, which have been few studied. In this respect, they are few studies on the community of fish that inhabit these subsystems. In the present study, the composition, diversity, distribution and abundance of fishes were evaluated...
In the present study the diel and seasonal variations of the total fish abundance (number and weight), community parameters (species diversity, richness, and evenness), multivariate changes in species composition of the fish community, and the influence that exert on them the environmental conditions, were analyzed in the Pueblo Viejo Lagoon,...
A través de seis ciclos bimestrales de 24-h, se analizaron los patrones nictímeros y estacionales en la abundancia total (número y peso) y los cambios en la composición de especies (incluyendo riqueza, diversidad, equidad y dominancia de especies) de la comunidad de peces en la laguna de Pueblo Viejo, Veracruz,...
The La Mancha coastal lagoon is a mixohaline-eutrophic system according to its annual average of salinity and chlorophyll concentration, with a strong influence of the opening-closing dynamics of the bar, which affects its hydrological, biological and ecological cycles. We identified 57 zooplankton taxa, 45 at the species level and 19...
Se estudió la riqueza de especies y la abundancia relativa de los Dinoflagelados del orden Peridiniales de la bahía de Acapulco, Gro., durante el ciclo anual de febrero de 2010 a febrero de 2011, con el objetivo de conocer las especies más abundantes y frecuentes en la zona; así como...
In this work, seasonal and diel variation of abundance and size structure of the species of mojarras (Teleostei: Gerreidae) were analyzed; as well as environmental factors influencing their variation. 19 diel cycles were made (one for month); a total of 12,500 individuals were collected that corresponding to four genera and...
En los últimos años, los análisis morfométricos han sido foco de interés dentro de la ficología marina debido a que han permitido, mediante la evaluación objetiva y estadísticamente sólida de la variabilidad morfológica, la delimitación de especies dentro de complejos crípticos, problema muy frecuente dentro de esta área de estudio....
The Pitaya is a traditional resource of great economic importance in the Mixteca Baja Oaxaqueña. The pitayas is inside the native fruits of our country that have generated an increase in the economic entrance in the farmer in some areas and they have increased the consumer's acceptance. However there are...