Diatoms are a basic component in the trophic base and primary production of aquatic ecosystems. Likewise, they have an important role in sediment stabilization due to the excretion of mucilage, determining the way in which other organisms are distributed. Despite their ecological importance, the study of diatoms in Mexico has...
Las diatomeas fueron de los primeros grupos de organismos empleados para la evaluación de calidad de agua y contaminación debido a su relevancia ecológica y a sus altas tazas de reproducción. Han sido utilizadas para el monitoreo biológico y para la evaluación del estado ecológico de ambientes acuícolas, principalmente continentales...
Diatoms are one of the main components of microphytobenthos, the y contribut e an estimate of 20 - 25% of the net global primary production (Werner, 1977) and have a strong influence on the type of microbial community that characterizes specific habitat s (Siqueiros - Beltrones, 2002). T he objective...