The natural protected area Corredor Biológico Chichinautzin (CBC) has a great habitat richness directly related to its geographic, climatic, geologic location and wide altitudinal range. Environmental conditions allows the establishment of a great variety of plant communities with a monocots richness of 24 families, 123 genera and 313 species. Such...
Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus y Neolloydia conoidea son dos cactáceas globosas que cohabitan en una zona semiárida de Querétaro, cuyas flores presentan semejanzas en forma y color. En este estudio se analizan sus patrones de floración y sincronía floral intrapoblacional, así como sus sistemas reproductivos, visitantes florales y el éxito reproductivo. Se...
The patterns of distribution of twenty-seven species of pteridophytes were studied, as possible indicators of environment deterioration in the temperate forest of San Jeronimo Amanalco, Texcoco, Mexico State. The presence and abundance of Pteridophyta was related with edaphic, topographic and vegetation variables at 100 sampling sites in an area of...
The foraging patterns of Pogonomyrmex barbatus were studied under conditions of high and low plant cover and diversity. Results showed that the trophic niche breadth is influenced by a relationship between abundance and diversity of available resources in the habitat. The highest observed niche breadth is not necessarily correlated with...
In the present study the diel and seasonal variations of the total fish abundance (number and weight), community parameters (species diversity, richness, and evenness), multivariate changes in species composition of the fish community, and the influence that exert on them the environmental conditions, were analyzed in the Pueblo Viejo Lagoon,...
In the present study is determined and analyzed the community structure of bats presents in the cave "El Salitre", located to 3 km in south of Los Ortices, Colima state. The vegetation consisting in relicts of tropical dry forest and the climate is warmsubhumid, with rain season from June to...
El efecto de borde, producto de la fragmentación de la vegetación por cambio de uso del suelo, puede modificar la composición y estructura de las comunidades vegetales con consecuencias críticas en el funcionamiento y la productividad forestal. El objetivo de esta tesis fue evaluar el efecto de borde sobre la...
Las plantas arvenses están asociadas a los cultivos mesoamericanos desde los albores de la agricultura; representan una fuente importante de recursos ya que satisface diversas necesidades básicas durante casi todo el ciclo agrícola (alimento, medicina y forraje, entre otros); su conocimiento y uso se ha transmitido a generaciones consecuentes. Con...
In Cactaceae, the interception of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) differs among opposite sides of the stem, determining the availability of resources for reproduction, since it has been suggested that there is no translocation of resources between ribs. It has been shown that the production of reproductive structures in columnar cacti...
Diatoms are a basic component in the trophic base and primary production of aquatic ecosystems. Likewise, they have an important role in sediment stabilization due to the excretion of mucilage, determining the way in which other organisms are distributed. Despite their ecological importance, the study of diatoms in Mexico has...