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Muñoz Texzocotetla, Orlando
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Enriquecimiento del conocimiento previo en ILP
Beschreibung: Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) induces concepts from a set of negative examples, a set of positive examples, and background knowledge. ILP has been applied on tasks in areas such as natural language processing, finite element mesh design, network mining, robotics, drug discovery, and more. These datasets typically contain both numerical... Fach: Discretization (Mathematics), Programación lógica, Discretización (Matemáticas), and Logic programming Schöpfer: Muñoz Texzocotetla, Orlando Mitwirkender: Lara Velázquez, Pedro, Gutiérrez Andrade, Miguel Ángel, Morales Manzanares, Eduardo, and Mac Kinney Romero, René Herausgeber: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Posgrado: Doctorado en Ciencias y Tecnologias de la Informacion Sprache: spa Año de publicación: 2023 Rechte: Acceso Abierto Lizenz: Atribucion-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0) Tipo de Recurso: info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis Identifikator: -
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