El cáncer de mama es una neoplasia dependiente de hormonas esteroides sexuales, en la cual los estrógenos juegan un papel relevante en su origen y progresión; sin embargo, la participación de los andrógenos aún es motivo de controversia, ya que los resultados de numerosos estudios realizados en modelos animales demuestran...
Entomopathogenic fungi produce various enzymes during the process of pathogenesis, including proteases and chitinases, as well as allowing hydrophobins its adherence to the host, which has been reported that extrinsic factors affecting its production (St. Leger et al, 1986 y 1998 ). However, there are not studies about their production...
Cervical cancer (CaCu) is a serious public health problem, being the second cause of death in women from cancer in Mexico. One of the main drugs used in chemotherapy against CaCu is cisplatin; however, it has the disadvantages of high toxicity in patients and some cases it usually generates chemoresistance....