La producción de embriones in vitro (PEIV) es una tecnología que permite obtener una gran cantidad de embriones en condiciones de laboratorio. La primera etapa que es la maduración in vitro (MIV) es una de las más imprescindibles para el éxito del potencial embrionario, sin embargo, el estrés oxidativo es...
This study was designed to evaluate the effects of freezing sperm in pigs and sheep obtained from different commercial farms, which were frozen with cryoprotectants and then were thawed. The parameters of viability, motility and acrosome integrity were evaluated before and after freezing in both species, where the percentages obtained...
La producción in vitro de embriones (PIVE) comprende: la maduración in vitro (MIV) de ovocitos obtenidos por aspiración folicular; la fertilización in vitro (FIV) de estos ovocitos; y el cultivo in vitro de los embriones producidos; siendo la tasa de blastocistos el parámetro para medir su eficacia. La PIVE, en...
This study was designed to evaluate the efficiency of bovine embryo vitrification in the morula stage, using Ethylene Glycol (EG) and trehalose in the beveled straw (beveled edge straw; BES) and its effects in viability and development potential after devitrification. For embryo production in vitro (IVP) ovaries were collected at...