Riparian ecosystems are the interface between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Despite its relevance, the riparian vegetation of these ecological systems is threatened, since it is being displaced by agricultural, industrial and human settlement activities. The objective of this work was to compare the avifauna between sites that belong to different...
Urbanization is one of the main causes of landscape change and homogenization of species diversity. Given this, green species within cities help to mitigate these negative effects and help preserve the diversity of species. This research addressed the value of green areas for the bird community in sites with different...
Las características estructurales y florísticas de la vegetación son primordiales en la selección del hábitat de las aves. Se realizó un estudio de la disponibilidad de alimento, las estrategias de forrajeo a través del año y entre épocas de lluvias y secas, de las especies Pyrocephalus rubinus y Tyrannus vociferans...