The natural protected area Corredor Biológico Chichinautzin (CBC) has a great habitat richness directly related to its geographic, climatic, geologic location and wide altitudinal range. Environmental conditions allows the establishment of a great variety of plant communities with a monocots richness of 24 families, 123 genera and 313 species. Such...
The foraging patterns of Pogonomyrmex barbatus were studied under conditions of high and low plant cover and diversity. Results showed that the trophic niche breadth is influenced by a relationship between abundance and diversity of available resources in the habitat. The highest observed niche breadth is not necessarily correlated with...
The purpose of this study was to identify the species Trididemnum spp. as well as determining the coral species covered by this tunicate, in coral reefs of the Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park (PNAC). Three samplings were carried out, October (2018), November (2018) and July (2019), where the temporal variation...