删除限定条件 关键词: Optimización
Audiometry -- Evoked responses
删除限定条件 学科: Audiometry -- Evoked responses
描述: | Estimation of the auditory capacity constitutes one of the most challenging tasks that audiologists face in clinical practice. Screening techniques range from the observation of the patient's behavior at the presence of sound, to the acquisition and analysis of the evoked potentials elicited by particular auditory stimuli. Behavioral testing can... |
学科: | Audiometría -- Respuestas evocadas, Audiometry -- Evoked responses, Ingeniería biomédica, Auditory evoked response, Biomedical engineering, Potenciales evocados auditivos, Algoritmos genéticos, and Genetic algorithms |
创造者: | Gaitán Ortiz, Rubén |
贡献者: | Castañeda Villa, Norma, Cornejo Cruz, Juan Manuel, Yáñez Suárez, Óscar, and Méndez García, Martin Oswaldo |
出版者: | Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana |
Posgrado: | Maestria en Ciencias Ingenieria Biomedica |
语言: | spa |
Año de publicación: | 2013 |
权: | Acceso Abierto |
执照: | Atribucion-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0) |
Tipo de Recurso: | info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis |
识别码: | https://doi.org/10.24275/uami.kd17ct04f |