The specific characteristics of biological analysis of each Artemia population allows the evaluation, from the evolutionary point of view, the range of particular habitat answers of one strain to an specific environment, like the morphometric differentiation and isolation reproduction. In this work seven Artemia franciscana strains were morphometric and reproductive...
Avian circadian rhythms are controlled by a multioscillatory system consisting of circadian oscillators located in the pineal gland, the eye ant the supraquiasmatic nucleus (SNC) these circadian oscillators are interacting with each other of function as a circadian strongly expressed in the SCN, light affects the qPer2 expression. The clock...
Este estudio se realizó con la finalidad de evaluar la pérdida de la asimetría fosfolipídica de la membrana plasmática de la cabeza de espermatozoides de cola de epidídimo de conejo, durante la evolución de los procesos de capacitación y reacción acrosomal haciendo uso de la unión específica de la Anexina...
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines infertility as a disease of the reproductive tract manifested by the inability of a male or female to achieve a pregnancy after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse (World Health Organization, 2021). As for Mexico, 17% of the population of reproductive age suffers...