Of the 138 species of bats exist in Mexico, most belong to the genus Myotis, therefore, it is considered the largest bat genus in the country. Myotis velifer, the species chosen for this study, is a hibernating microchiropteran in which although it has not been conclusively determined, it is likely...
Prenatal stress causes spatial learning and memory deficits at any stage of postnatal life by modifying hippocampal function. Serotonergic and noradrenergic axon terminals, involved in cognitive processes, are present the hippocampus. Despite studies about the participation of both neurochemical systems in cognitive processes, it is currently unknown whether prenatal stress...
El estrés se define como un estado de homeostasis alterada, en el que el organismo responde activando una serie de respuestas adaptativas centrales y periféricas a través del llamado sistema de estrés, constituido por el locus coeruleus - sistema nervioso simpático (SNS) - médula adrenal y el eje hipotálamo hipófisis...
Major depressive disorder or major depression is a common disorder that affects people worldwide and combines symptoms at psychological, physiological, and behavioural level. This disorder is predicted to be the second caus e of disability in 2020. Animal models of major depression caused by stress are relevant for the better...