Hall, in 1968 determines that Peromyscus furvus is a monotypic species, being P. latirostris and P. angustirostris synonymies of the first one, although him indicates that there is certain variation grade inside the species. In later works, where the situation of the species is analyzed starting from aloenzimas (Harris and...
This thesis evaluates the community structure of protégé organisms within the Prosopis laevigata’s microcosm in the Zapotitlan valley, Puebla, Mexico in “Helia Bravo Hollis” Botanical Garden. The study of community structure required a meta-community approach that considered temporal and spatial factors. Using methodologies derived from multivariate analysis, assembly patterns of...
Las monocotiledóneas son, dentro de las angiospermas, un grupo importante por su diversidad a nivel nacional. Presentan características únicas como: tallos sin crecimiento secundario, raíces siempre secundarias y/o adventicias, hojas sésiles y con nerviación paralela, verticilos florales por lo general en grupos de tres, granos de polen monosulcados, un solo...
Los estudios de diversidad herpetofaunística resultan relevantes dado que los anfibios y reptiles pueden fungir como una comunidad indicadora del estado o salud del ambiente. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los estudios de diversidad sobre este grupo son a corto plazo, lo que limita percibir los procesos lentos y de...
Spea multiplicata is a burrowing frog tolerant to the anthropogenic disturbances and common in urban areas. This species occurs from the south of USA to the center of Oaxaca, Mexico. This frog is opportunistic, locally abundant and use temporary ponds to lay eggs and larval development. Many local population are...