The effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) to preserve the quality of two commercial varieties of edible cacti stems was studied, in order to prolong the shelf life of these thorn-less cacti stems and make them available for consumers in an adequate size presentation. Four experiments were performed during the...
Bioconservation is the controlled use of microorganisms or their metabolites to control the microflora in decomposition and also pathogens increasing the shelf life and improving the sanitary quality of food. Enterococci are lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that contribute to the organoleptic properties of fermented foods, as well as having the...
The pitaya (Stenocereus pruinosus) and sweet xoconostle (Stenocereus stellatus) are endemic fruits of Mexico with local distribution, due to their perishability and microbial decay. Therefore the objective of this work was the evaluation of biopolymer coatings for extending postharvest life and microbial inhibition. Chitosan (Q) was obtained by thermochemical heterogeneous...
Desde la antigüedad, los alimentos han sido producidos y conservados por fermentación incluyendo cerveza, vino, productos lácteos (yogurt, quesos), sake (vino de arroz), panes, frutas, etc. El almidón es la fuente más importante de energía para los seres humanos. La transformación en las microestructuras (amilosa y amilopectina) que conforman el...