A morphometric (n = 776) and karyotypic (n = 76) revision of Osgoodomys banderanus, based on the analysis of specimens from Mexico and U. S. A. collections; they proceed from the whole distribution area of the species. Statistical analysis of 14 morphometric characters does not show any differences between O....
The morphometric study is a tool for delimitation of species, however in Dinoflagellates is complicated and demand a big labour under microscopy. Works previous about Ornithocercus and Prorocentrum genus, both they are part of the “Biología y Filogenia Molecular de Dinoflagelados del Pacifico Mexicano” proyect, who is funded by the...
Las coordenadas registradas a partir de los puntos de referencia fueron escaladas, trasladadas y rotadas usando el análisis generalizado de Procrustes (AGP) para luego someterlas a una proyección tangencial y subsecuentemente a un análisis de componentes principales (ACP) donde los scores del ACP fueron utilizados para realizar análisis discriminantes empleando...